China is taking the use of AM in mass production of parts seriously
The Atomic Layers: S1E19 (00019)
Atomic Layer of the Day:
While European and American companies struggle with financial issues, in China, AM is simply being implemented into mass production.
Atomic Layer from the Past:
The most obscure and mysterious Stratasys products ever introduced to the public.
Atomic Layer from a Friend:
The UN has embraced 3D printing for buildings and bought itself a 3D printer.
Atomic Layer from the Sponsor:
Many companies keep reporting problems, but this one keeps buying new machines because it can't keep up with the new orders.
Quote of the Day:
“Those with over 10 years of experience in the industry are the ones who were always resistant to the success propaganda. They saw numerous advantages in additive manufacturing but never feared speaking out about its flaws. Only the truthful survive.”